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“I Wanna Hold Your Hand” By Tyler Higaki

I was fifteen years old and my only idea of a girlfriend was someone to text and maybe kiss during passing period after Mr France’s Chemistry class. I didn’t really understand how it all worked. My face was illuminated by the blue glow of my computer monitor. I was procrastinating, avoiding homework by Googling “how to ask a girl out,” …

Always Be Yourself

Never let anyone determine your value by telling you who, or what, they think you should be

I’m Back Snitches!!

Katy Perry celebration dance

    Finally back on track! Did you miss me? Thought so. Virus slayed. All smiles. New Posts coming soon. I heart you all! Stay fiesty :-x PS. Oh, here’s some new comics too!

Like… WTF?

Screaming, like wtf, mouf off, frustration,

Sorry I’ve been MIA… my computer caught a virus… :( More posts coming soon! : X

So Cliche’

Coffee shop. So clichéd that we would go there. So expected that we would sit at a table built for two pushed neatly under the sill of a picture window. I sat, hands folded on the stiff, eerily white tablecloth. A small ceramic vase decorated the center. A single orange daisy sat snugly inside of it. It was fake. A …

Short Shorts

Who reads short shorts? We read short shorts!

Not just for hot girls in summer Whaddup loud moufs? I want to take a moment to update you on a new feature: “Short Shorts!”: short stories by both you and me (squee!). So what does this mean? Mouf Off will soon feature new stories in bite-sized, digestible portions served piping hot each week (yum). Many love to read, but few get …