Welcome to Mouf Off


This is my first official post. Hi, and welcome to Mouf Off. This is huge!
The initial idea for this very blog was born about six years ago when I was still in college, still a big dreamer and full of hopes (rainbows and lollipops). Then life happened, and shit. got. real.

A few things: I prided myself on being creative and promised to never EVER work a 9-5 for as long as I lived. I didn’t want cookie cutter, I didn’t want a gray-cubed prison, I didn’t want structure and routine, or ordinary. Whatever.
Then I got sick, and being sick is pretty expensive.

Imagine being 22 and you’re dealing with a chronic illness that cost $70k per year in meds, while also counting down to when you’re kicked off your parents’ insurance coverage. What would you do? Get a 9-5.It’s almost laughable.

Anyhow, 5 years later, 4 of which were spent in an artist’s nightmare churning out spreadsheets and data surrrounded by gray (cube, walls, people), I got sick yet again. This time, however, I was simply sick of being this person that gave up. So here I am: writing, blogging, doodling, and everything in between.

So again, welcome to Mouf Off. It was supposed to be a forum for open ideas. It was supposed to be a hub for artists, and filmmakers, and musicians. It was supposed to be a sound byte app. It was supposed to be a literary mag. It was supposed to be every swirling, twirling fantastic-at-the-moment idea that blinked in my mind, but at the end of the day, it’s simply this:

Mouf Off, exhibits and encourages free expression, individuality, and creativity. So lose your inhibitions, find your voice, imagine, write, create, and lastly, Mouf Off.

Erica Handwritten

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