Okay, so I was totes inspired (yeah, I said totes) by To-Fu’s “29 Ways to Stay Creative” video that I wanted to share my personal ways of reigniting my creative spark. Leh go…
One) Listen to Classical Music
Music soothes the savage beast, the beast in this case being writer’s block, inhibitions, or anything that keeps me from being free. Classical music always puts me in the right frame of mind. I’m naturally anxious and tend to over-think most things. A calming prelude puts a fretful mind at ease and makes way for fresh concepts and ideas.
Two) Absorb Everything
Soak everything up: from overheard conversations, or facial expressions of a stranger, to the twinkling of the sun through a canopy of leaves. I know that sounded mildly poetic (or super corny), but you never know when inspiration will strike. I’m extremely detail-oriented and often find myself forming little stories about the things around me. It’s true what they say, you have to stop and smell the roses. Pause for a moment to soak up the world around you may spark something amazing.
Three) Daydream
This ties into number two. Once I’ve taken the time out to observe my surroundings, I can’t help but to daydream. Daydream was one of the original 29, but this little imagination of mine makes me daydream twice as much.
Four) Talk to Myself
I’ll admit, sometimes my inner dialog turns external. However, it’s those scenes that pop in my head out of nowhere and unfold out louf that lead to my next tale.
Five) Doodle
If you know me, then you know that doodling is my life… every notebook, post-it -pad, and planner is full of my random drawings. Does it spark my creativity? Absolutely. I’m very visual, so often times I see images and scenes in my head and I write about them. It’s so much easier for me to record an idea through drawing than writing.
So there you have it, 5 ways I stay creative. Next time you’re hit with a brand new idea, take a moment and think about where you are and what you are doing at the time. You never know what it could be that helps get your juices going.
Stay fiesty,my loud moufs :-X