This is my first official post. Hi, and welcome to Mouf Off. This is huge!
The initial idea for this very blog was born about six years ago when I was still in college, still a big dreamer and full of hopes (rainbows and lollipops). Then life happened, and shit. got. real.
A few things: I prided myself on being creative and promised to never EVER work a 9-5 for as long as I lived. I didn’t want cookie cutter, I didn’t want a gray-cubed prison, I didn’t want structure and routine, or ordinary. Whatever.
Then I got sick, and being sick is pretty expensive.
Imagine being 22 and you’re dealing with a chronic illness that cost $70k per year in meds, while also counting down to when you’re kicked off your parents’ insurance coverage. What would you do? Get a 9-5.It’s almost laughable.
Anyhow, 5 years later, 4 of which were spent in an artist’s nightmare churning out spreadsheets and data surrrounded by gray (cube, walls, people), I got sick yet again. This time, however, I was simply sick of being this person that gave up. So here I am: writing, blogging, doodling, and everything in between.
So again, welcome to Mouf Off. It was supposed to be a forum for open ideas. It was supposed to be a hub for artists, and filmmakers, and musicians. It was supposed to be a sound byte app. It was supposed to be a literary mag. It was supposed to be every swirling, twirling fantastic-at-the-moment idea that blinked in my mind, but at the end of the day, it’s simply this:
Mouf Off, exhibits and encourages free expression, individuality, and creativity. So lose your inhibitions, find your voice, imagine, write, create, and lastly, Mouf Off.